Thursday, September 5, 2013

Save Your Mani! ~MackCapp~

Hello Readers! Have you ever just gotten a lovely manicure and about five minutes later you chip your nail? If you have then I feel for you. This week I had the wonderful experience of getting a gel mani, and two days later my nail chipped! In a rush of panic I looked around for a temporary fix. I spotted some lash glue (Benefit) on my dresser and grabbed it, hoping for some miracle. I applied the glue and pressed the nail back into place, and it stayed! I was so surprised that something so simple could slip my mind. I bet you can't tell what nail is chipped in the picture. Next time you manhandle your mani, try some lash glue, it just might surprise you! 

~Mack, over and out.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Little Acts of Kindness

Hello! This isn't my usual type of post but hey, let's try it. This week as I went to get my nails done, I noticed a young boy outside selling candy bars. There was nothing particularly unusual about this boy, but I couldn't help but notice a permanent scowl plastered across his face. He looked so unhappy for someone selling candy! I decided to purchase a bar and attribute to his cause, which he later explained was to raise funds for his church basketball team. With a smile I bought 2 bars and wished him luck, and suddenly his frown disappeared and was replaced by a look of awe, quickly followed by a "Thank you". As I started to depart to my car, I noticed he was still looking at me. I waved goodbye and kept wondering why he was so confused by my kindness. It later occurred to me that maybe he wasn't treated that way often. What seemed to me as just being polite, could have made his day. What I'm trying to say is, you never really know how the smallest gestures will affect someone. I encourage you all preform a random act of kindness while on you're weekly journeys. You never know what could happen...

~Mack, over and out.~

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Acure Organics Lemongrass+Argan Stem Cell Conditioner Review ~MackCapp~

Hello Readers! As I promised, this is the review for the Acure Organics Lemongrass+Argan Stem Cell Conditioner. Because that name is CrAzY long, I'll just refer to it as their Lemongrass Conditioner. In my last haul, I mentioned how good this stuff smells. And I am serious when I say I could smell this forever. I LOVE the smell of lemongrass. It all started with Chagrin Valley Soap's Sea Salt & Seaweed Spa Bar. But that's a review for another time. Moving on....
 The packaging is a 8oz tube that despenses the product through a flip top. Not my favorite packaging, but they do have a bigger size that comes in a bottle. However my Whole Foods does not carry this size.
 Look at all those words I love to hear...or read...moving on.
 Would you look at that. Keratin Boosting Complex. Yup, I totally know what that means...
 Dem Fair Trade Ingredients tho. (I promise I know the correct grammar.)

 I love the little message that says "Feel free to belt out some horrible 80s tune that you listen to when nobody's around." Who doesn't love a company with a funny bone?
Okay, so to be honest, the first time I used this product, I kinda wanted to chuck it out the window. It didn't detangle squat, and my hair just kinda absorbed it. Quite remanisant of Aubrey Organics Swimmer Conditioner. Not an experience I wanted to try again. I was going to return it, but I tried it again because I was being nice. I'm semi-happy I did. Because I was trying to use the product out, I used a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE amount (emphasis on the huge). It was great when I applied it in sections in enormous globs. To my surprise, my hair started to detangle. Wee bits and pieces of tangles disappeared. Now, I'm not talking Herbal Essences Hello Hydration detangling, because that is totally not what this is. It helps with tangles. That's it. You still have to physically get a wide tooth comb, and starting at your ends, gently rake through them. For me, ain't nobody got time fo dat. I really loved the smell and I still love this company, but I think I'm going to try their line for dry hair with Argan oil. And thus, the conditioner quest continued. Have you tried this conditioner? 
Rating: 3 out of 5
~Mack over and out.~

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Whole Foods Haul! Acure, Andalou Naturals, and Trader Joe's SPA ~MackCapp~

Today I have a Whole Food haul for ya'll! I am suuuuupppper (regular grammar rules do not apply) excited to also say that Acure Organics saw my last post and featured it on their Facebook page! I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't scream out of happiness... any who, on to more products to review! :)

 The products I purchased were: Acure Organics Lemongrass+Argan Stem Cell Conditioner, Andalou Naturals Healthy Shine (sunflower and citrus) Shampoo, Acure Organics Brightening Facial Scrub, and Trader Joe's SPA 100% Pure Jojoba Oil. (Btw its pronounced "hohoba") These are my first impressions of the products, I will have more detailed reviews later!
 Acure Organics Stem Cell Conditioner: Can you say this thing smells AMAZING? Holy snap, the lemongrass scent is to die for. I was hooked on first sniff. It's pretty thin for a conditioner, however I cannot wait to try it!
 Andalou Naturals Healthy Shine Shampoo: I bought the travel size of this because I needed a small shampoo to take on my trip with me. I don't wash my hair that often anyway, and when I do I usually use a shampoo bar. The scent is okay, citrus for sure. Not too strong.
 Acure Organics Brightening Facial Scrub: The consistency is WONDERFUL. Probably the best "scruby" feeling I've seen in a while. Super excited for this one! The smell is...clean. It's quite hard to describe, it's not unpleasant, just clean.
Trader Joe's SPA 100% Pure Jojoba Oil: I already love the packaging. Its so bright and cheery. To be honest Jojoba Oil is my favorite oils because of the color and the lightness of it. A slight nutty scent, barely there however.

Well that's it! Review's are coming this week! Check back soon. :)
~Mack, over and out.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Acure Organics Sensitive Facial Cleanser Argan Oil+Probiotics Review ~MackCapp~

Hello my lovely readers! Today I would like to talk about an amazing product that has been a godsend for my skin. My skin is very sensitive as well as acne prone due to my age, and is always under the threat of hyper pigmentation. I am constantly on the lookout for products that do not irritate my skin and kick blemishes to the curb, and thanks to Acure Organics, I think I may have finally found my HG facial cleanser!
 Acure Organics is a wonderful company that uses natural ingredients to make awesome products. I've been eyeing them on my trips to Whole Foods and seeing as how my skin had nothing to lose, I picked up their Sensitive Facial Cleanser with Argan Oil + Probiotics (Whew! What a mouthful!) and headed home to try this baby out! And boy I'm glad I did.
 The cleanser is made without all these harsh chemicals as well as being Vegan, Cruelty free, and 100% biodegradable! (Not to mention is Fair Trade!)
 Look at all the goodies inside! I love how the first ingredient isn't water!

 The consistency of the product is creamy (which scared me at first!) and very thin. You have to be careful dispensing the product or it can come out too quickly, however this isn't much of a problem as long as you pay attention.
On to the review! This product has a slight fruity scent that is not overpowering and I personally find it pleasant. The scent is not at all artificial smelling and does not linger. It dispenses onto my Clarisonic very easily and has a small but substantial lather without sulfates. I found it cleanses my skin without stripping the skin of moisture (although I do need moisturizer afterword). As for makeup removal, I was pleasantly surprised that it took off most of my Pur Minerals foundation and Bare Minerals concealer without a problem. I used my hands to gently work in the cleanser around my eyes to remove my Physicians Formula Organic Wear mascara and Urban Decay eye shadow (it didn't burn!). It also removed these like a charm! I am blown away by the results. Over the course of the week, my blemishes started clearing up and my face is smooth. I really hope this continues and I will leave an update after a couple months.

Rating: 5 3 out of 5! I would totally recommend this to anyone with sensitive skin, dry or oily.
I'm looking forward to purchasing and reviewing more products by this company. Well-done Acure!
Unfortunately this lovely product stopped working for me after a week. I'm not quite sure what happened, but I think it had to do with the combination of the Acure facial scrub I will be reviewing later this week. It's so sad! I love this product very much. I would still highly suggest you try this product, but personally I will discontinue this from my routine. However my mother (whom I gave this to) seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. If you don't have as sensitive skin as I, give this cleanser a go!
~Mack, over and out.